• ASH Berlin
  • GOFEX Universität des Saarlandes (Peschel)
  • GOFEX Universität des Saarlandes (Peschel)
  • LuFo TU Dresden (Herrmann)
  • ASH Berlin
  • ASH Berlin
  • ASH Berlin
  • DigitalLearningLab PH Steiermark (Fiedler)
  • DigitalLearningLab PH Steiermark (Fiedler)
  • DigitalLearningLab PH Steiermark (Fiedler)
  • Hochschullernwerkstatt Mathematik PH Steiermark (Fiedler)
  • Hochschullernwerkstatt Deutsch PH Steiermark (Größler)
  • Hochschullernwerkstatt Deutsch PH Steiermark (Größler)
  • Hochschullernwerkstatt Sachunterricht PH Steiermark (Herbst)
  • Hochschullernwerkstatt Mathematik PH Steiermark (Rauter)
  • Hochschullernwerkstatt Mathematik PH Steiermark (Rauter)
  • EduSpace Lernwerkstatt Freie Universität Bozen
  • EduSpace Lernwerkstatt Freie Universität Bozen
  • EduSpace Lernwerkstatt Freie Universität Bozen

Working Group: Young adademic talents

A central concern of the association NeHle e.V. is to encourage young academic talent and create networks within this, and this is coordinated and conducted at peer level by the young talent working group. One of its focuses is on the practical and conceptual perspective of learning and teaching in (Hochschul)Lernwerkstätten. The group also picks up on research approaches and projects in this field.

A core element of the work with young talents is regular open, subject-specific networking meetings held every six weeks. These currently take place online and are open to everyone with an interest in the subject. Access details will be emailed to you once you have registered via email: nachwuchs@NeHle.info.


Networking meetings:

  • 29.03.2022, 11:00-12:00: Review of the Conference / ideas on hybrid and digital teaching and Lernwerkstatt
  • 09.05.2022, 9:00-10:00: PR work and contact with actors in this area
  • 27.06.2022, 9:00-10:00: The two target groups for Lernwerkstätten
  • 25.07.2022, 9:00-10:00: Constructivist didactics and training courses
  • Date TBC: Incorporating Lernwerkstattarbeit into the university course curriculum
  • 07.03.2022, 13:00-14:30: Open young talent meeting during the 15th International Conference of Hochschullernwerkstätten


Special meetings can also be organised jointly as required.
Regular information is available via the young talent working group distribution list. To register for this, and for any further questions about the work with young talents, please contact nachwuchs@NeHle.info.