The purpose of the association “Internationales Netzwerk der Hochschullernwerkstätten e.V.” (NeHle) is to further the establishment and development of Lernwerkstätten, disseminate the idea of Lernwerkstattarbeit, and to establish and further develop the theoretical and conceptual basis of learning workshops in the areas of:
Childhood education (day-care centres, after-school clubs and early childhood education courses at universities)
School education (all school stages)
Teacher training (at universities and teacher-training institutions)
Educational sciences and educational theory at universities
Extracurricular educational institutions
Adult education
In the initial and further training and development particularly of teachers
To achieve its purpose, the Association
holds regular specialist conferences with the objective of
exchanging experiences across institutions, contributing to the spread of best practice and publishing this
gathering and reflecting on experiences in the field of Lernwerkstattarbeit
establishing and expanding national and international contacts
creates publication media for the dissemination and discussion of innovative ideas about Lernwerkstätten and Lernwerkstattarbeit
implements and promotes research-oriented publications and events (in addition to conferences) within the national and international framework, which intensify the empirical and theoretical reflection on Lernwerkstattarbeit
initiates research projects which study the effectiveness of Lernwerkstätten in the various fields of practice.